Most marital problems come from one or both spouses not having their emotional or physical needs met. Some couples suffer due to a lack of communication between the spouses or because one of the spouses suffers from personal problems that affect the relationship. Here are five ways to get marriage help if you feel that your relationship is in danger.
Go To Your Spouse
You should be able to talk about your problems with your spouse. If you notice that their behavior has changed, ask them to open up and tell you why the relationship no longer makes them happy. If you can identify some specific issues that are hurting your marriage, bring them up and look for solutions together.
Read Some Self-Help Books
There are plenty of books written by therapists, counselors, and even by individuals who managed to fix their marriage. Reading self-help books is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of relationships and of what it takes to make them work. Reading can help you identify your problems and provide you with some solutions.
Reach Out to Relatives Or Friends
Opening up about marital problems is not easy, but chances are you know a few people who have gone through rough patches in their marriages as well. It is important that you only talk to those who will not take sides or gossip. You may find that receiving some support outside of your marriage can be beneficial and they might have some useful advice.
Following are tips to help strengthen your marriage. But first, check out my products related to marriage health.

Meet with a Therapist, Counselor or Coach
Meeting with professional help is a good way to receive help if there are personal issues that are affecting your marriage. A therapist will help you address issues such as addictions, behavioral problems and problematic patterns. It is very common that individual issues are part of the marriage problems.
Marriage therapists, coaches or counselors usually help couples by encouraging them to communicate and sharing strategies you and your spouse can use to resolve your differences.
You will learn how to build a stronger marriage, receive some help while you work through your issues and will benefit from the experience of a professional who specializes in helping couples.
There are different ways to address the issues you are encountering in your marriage. You should start by talking with your spouse to determine if there are any deeper issues undermining your relationship.
Look into reading some self-help books and talk to friends to see if you can fix your marriage yourself. If you feel that you are not making any progress or have already tried fixing your marriage yourself, it is time to look for a coach, therapist or for a counselor. Meeting with a professional is a step in the right direction.
I’m happy to share with you great news. Over the past more than 25 years, I’ve had the privilege of seeing hundreds of couples turn their marriages around to being loving and happy again.
Most people think both spouses must be willing and fully committed to go for help together. Instead, I have found that even when just one spouse goes for help and makes small changes, it lessens the pain and starts the reconnection!

Waverly Hanson
Marriage Counselor & Author
In my personal life, I have had a long successful marriage and have remarried following my husband's death. I have had three sons and helped raise a niece for three years and have seven grandchildren. I have loved spending time with them as they were growing up.
I also enjoy getting together with family and friends, ATVing in the mountains, photography, hiking, and traveling. I also enjoy reading, creating art, decorating, and serving others by volunteering.
Assisting couples in rebuilding their marriages has been so rewarding as I've had the privilege of seeing hundreds of couples reunite and get back to being positively connected to one another.
I also work with personal development and those who want to move forward by making positive improvements such as goal setting, self-care, boundaries, behavioral improvements, overcoming procrastination, conflict management, etc.