Marriage Miracle Essentials Course Coming Soon to Thinkific!

Hey struggling spouse,

Pain is a natural part of relationships, but it should not be the only part.

Find insight and renewed joy for your marriage in my “5 Secrets to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage” eBook.

These secrets will help you find your way back to a great relationship and reconnection with your

Looking for Best Online Marriage Course?

Relationships can be challenging and there is no shame in acknowledging that we all need support sometimes.

Virtual marriage and relationship education programs can help you save your marriage and rekindle the spark.

We are offering a new self-paced marriage course that gives you everything you need to get your marriage back on track.

We are working very hard to complete our online Marriage Miracle Essentials Course and are excited to get it out to you soon!

More details to come!

How to Save Your Marriage

Top Marriage Tips

Check out my marriage blog. You will find many Do It Yourself tips and tricks to help you get back to a happier marriage, through difficult periods of your marriage journey, and insight into what a healthy marriage looks like.  

Click here to visit my blog!

Divorce-Proof Your Marriage: Book

This Best-Selling book on Amazon will help you Begin Your New Marriage Journey…

Afraid of becoming one of those sad statistics?
Tired of the “same old, same old ruts you’ve fallen into?”
Sad those loving feelings seem to be gone forever?
Confused about how to begin your miraculous turnaround?

Field tested practical tools that have worked with hundreds of other couples!

Click here to purchase on Amazon!

5 Secrets to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

Are You Afraid Your Happy Marriage is Over?

Want to STOP the PAIN in Your Marriage?


Click to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions


Not sure how to feel about couples counseling?

How do you fix your marriage without your spouse’s support?

Searching for a certified relationship coach online?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section to find answers.

Be one of the few,

get help for your marriage today!


Pain is a natural part of relationships, but it should not be the only part.

Find insight and renewed joy for your marriage in my 5 Secrets to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage eBook.

These secrets will help you find your way back to a great relationship and re-connection with your spouse.

Get your FREE eBook today!

Stay In Touch


1901 Malton Court
Castle Rock, CO 80104

Waverly Hanson, MA, LPC

It’s important for you to know who is behind the information you are getting. Your marriage is worth working on and I don’t take that lightly. 

I was interviewed by the Denver News on CNTV. It will give you insight into who I am and the passion I have for helping people save their marriages.

I’d Love to Help