Healthy marriages could be characterized by reasonable levels of marital satisfaction, though the levels would not have to be the highest levels to argue that the marriage was healthy. Healthy marriages are the basis of healthy families.
Be it dating, friendship or marriage, respect is one of the main characteristics of a healthy relationship. When there is respect, you and your spouse will listen and support each other in a non-judgmental way. The foundation is composed of a marital friendship and its ability to create positive feelings in non-conflict contexts. Successful marriages are based on a committed friendship. Gottman’s research has taught him that the key to avoiding divorce is the way the couple treats each other when they are not fighting.
Especially when couples are new, finding a balance between time together and time apart, as well as how much your partner’s interests or hobbies become your own, is essential for a healthy relationship. Mutual respect in all areas is integral for a healthy and satisfying relationship.
Showing that you value your partner’s interests is an important display of respect. It can help you both greatly. Additionally, remember how much your own marriage has a major influence in your own children’s lives when they come along.
When children are a part of your life, as wonderful as that it, it also becomes even more challenging to find the balance between alone time, couple time, and family time with the children. Each one of those times is so important. We cannot overvalue how much even a few minutes of focused time is in our relationships.
Following are tips to help strengthen your marriage. But first, check out my products related to marriage health.

As you probably learned by now, each person “recharges” differently. Extraverts normally get recharged when with people so parties are fun for them. Some introverts find themselves very drained following time with people and just need some alone time to recharge their batteries.
At times it works out just naturally if you both have different work schedules and naturally either have time in the early morning or late at night when you do not have to answer the phone, the door or answer dozens of questions from the kids, etc.
It is important that we each grow in our awareness of what we need individually so that we can take good care of ourselves and respect the needs of our mate as well as our children for “down time.” Most of us overbook ourselves on a regular basis and then wonder why we are so tired.
Love to hear your comments, stories or questions. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Waverly Hanson
Marriage Counselor & Author
In my personal life, I have had a long successful marriage and have remarried following my husband's death. I have had three sons and helped raise a niece for three years and have seven grandchildren. I have loved spending time with them as they were growing up.
I also enjoy getting together with family and friends, ATVing in the mountains, photography, hiking, and traveling. I also enjoy reading, creating art, decorating, and serving others by volunteering.
Assisting couples in rebuilding their marriages has been so rewarding as I've had the privilege of seeing hundreds of couples reunite and get back to being positively connected to one another.
I also work with personal development and those who want to move forward by making positive improvements such as goal setting, self-care, boundaries, behavioral improvements, overcoming procrastination, conflict management, etc.