3 Different Communication Styles

Updated 2021     We all know how important communication is in our daily lives; after all, it is how we communicate with others which sets the stage for what we will get out of that particular interaction. However, being able to communicate effectively with...

You Have the Right to Say No

Updated 2021     When you have a sense of responsibility, it allows you to do work well that is a part of your own personal responsibility. You know you are expected to do certain duties and you follow through with them. However, in some situations, you find...

Assertive Behavior

Updated 2021     Speaking your mind can be a risky job. At some point or the other, we have all thought that it is better to remain quiet than to say something which we truly feel. One of the risks when you express yourself is you always run the risk of...

Importance of Life Goals

Updated 2021     Having a sense of direction in life makes our journeys so much more manageable. When we know which direction we will naturally struggle in and what to steer away from, we then have more energy and time to focus on what is important to what...