Build A Happy Marriage

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Who Wants A Happy Marriage? Who wouldn’t?

Who Wants A Happy Marriage? Who wouldn’t?

What does it take to make a happy marriage? Is it staying forever in the euphoric state where you were when you first met? Pretty unrealistic, because none of us are perfect! Not really, because that is a stage where you are at least 6 feet off the ground and cannot...

How To Have A Happy Marriage

How To Have A Happy Marriage

UPDATED: June 26, 2024 Most people want a Happy Marriage If you're like most people, you think about having a dream wedding and a happy marriage with a person that you truly love and adore. There's nothing more beautiful than being committed to one person for the rest...

Want Marriage Help – Use Real Communication

Want Marriage Help – Use Real Communication

The importance of communication. In any successful relationship, kind and respectful communication is an important key ingredient. When you are in a relationship where you don’t feel that you can honestly communicate with your partner you might want to think about...

Marriage Help: Commitment

Marriage Help: Commitment

Does your spouse know you’re totally committed? I cannot over emphasize the importance of your partner knowing that you are completely committed to your marriage than by making it a priority every single day.  Remember each day to tell your partner how much you...

Will Receiving Marriage Help Make A Difference?

Will Receiving Marriage Help Make A Difference?

With over 2,000 divorces filed each day in the U.S., it is not surprising to come across couples who are experiencing problems. You might be in one of these relationships and might be wondering what you can do about it. If you feel that your marriage is in trouble,...

Do You Have Marriage Problems?

Do You Have Marriage Problems?

Experiencing some ups and downs in your marriage is perfectly normal but it is important to address your marriage problems before they get any worse. You need to be able to talk about your problems and to make compromises with your spouse in order to build a strong...

How To Fix A Marriage Through Communication

How To Fix A Marriage Through Communication

Communication is the key if you want to save your marriage. Regardless of what you and your spouse are going through, it is possible to resolve your problems if you make your marriage a priority. Here is how to fix a marriage through communication.   Avoid...

Five Things You Need For A Happy Marriage

Five Things You Need For A Happy Marriage

Is your marriage happy and satisfying? There is always room for improvement and your marriage is something you need to nurture and invest in throughout your entire life. These five things will help you build a strong and happy marriage with the love of your life.  ...

Is It Time To Address Your Marriage Problems?

Is It Time To Address Your Marriage Problems?

No matter how distressed you feel about your marriage at the moment, please believe me when I say from years of experience, there is still hope. You can fix your relationship and create a marriage that makes you and your spouse happier if you commit to addressing your...

Waverly Hanson

Waverly Hanson

Counselor and Author

In my personal life, I have had a long successful marriage and am currently remarrying following my husband’s death. I have three sons, helped finish raising a niece for 3 years, and have 7 grandchildren of my own. I love to spend time doing crafts and other fun activities with them. I also love performing music with my sisters in a benefit show, getting together with family and friends, ATVing in the mountains, photography, walking, traveling, love to read and creating beautiful art and decorating, and, of course, serving others by volunteering.


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