What in the world is recharging your battery? Perhaps taking time for fun? Time for reflection? Self care or Self nurturing?
Can you even relate? For so many of us there are always way too many responsibilities! Who has time to even think about their own needs, the couple relationship needs or the family fun needs?
When couples and parents find life becoming filled with more and more demands, there are some very important choices to be made or life responsibilities do just take over and can become a huge drag.
Working and bringing in an adequate income for the family takes a major investment of time and energy, hopefully along with some satisfaction and sense of accomplishment or even meaning. Keeping that person in charge happy and satisfied can also be a big part of the challenge. Perhaps you are that person in charge and keeping everything working productively and amicably is your challenge.
Just life maintenance alone requires lots of time and energy. The household chores such as meals, cleaning, laundry, errands, paying the bills and household maintenance can take a fantastic expenditure of energy and time.
More than ever, many adults (and sometimes kids) are feeling very stressed and overwhelmed and stretched for both time and energy believing there is never enough of either. What can be done about it?
The relationships and fun parts of our lives often are not being nurtured or attended to very much at all.
Have you ever heard of someone who is coming to the end of their lives saying things like I wish I had worked more?
This is a very challenging subject and will be continued for some time with many ideas to be shared…
Sometimes just a little help from someone experienced outside your family gets you back on a positive track. Ask about my latest online webinars and coaching programs.