Updated 2021


different communication styles


We all know how important communication is in our daily lives; after all, it is how we communicate with others which sets the stage for what we will get out of that particular interaction. However, being able to communicate effectively with others is easier said than done.

When we get into an argument with someone else, we can be quick to blame the other person as being at fault. At times we quickly dismiss the whole thing by saying ‘they misunderstood us.’

Much of the time we do not ask ourselves why they misunderstand us in the first place?

Unfortunately, the problem is almost always in the way we are communicating our message or in other words, the problem is in our communication style. Having the right communication style can do wonders for you and all of us.

If your communication style is poor, it can actually land you into a lot of trouble.

Before we move on with anything else, let us first talk about what exactly a communication style involves. We’re referring to your body language and the kind of actual statements you use. Communication styles involve several things.

Following are the three most common communication styles observed among people in different settings. We will specifically be talking about how people following particular communication styles tend to function, along with the kind of results they get through the use of that style.

Passive Communication Style

A person following this communication style uses statements in which he is usually putting himself down and is quick to agree with whatever he is told to do. He avoids making direct eye contact because it makes him feel nervous. At time his or her shoulders are drooping and she or he is almost always fidgeting. Consequently, this person never expresses what he really wants or thinks because he is always following what others are telling him to do. This, of course, in the long run makes him miserable and frustrated.

Aggressive Communication Style

A person following this style feels that only his or her opinions and actions are important. Everyone else comes second to him or her. She or he speaks rudely and often her or his speech is laced with sarcasm. He or she is patronizing and disrespectful of others. Often he or she stands with hands on hips and feet a shoulder width apart. This person is a pro at making others feel as if their existence does not matter.

Assertive Communication Style

A person following this style is warm and friendly towards others. She or he knows that his opinions, needs etc. are as important as anyone else’s. She or he acts accordingly. His or her body language is relaxed and welcoming. People actually do not mind listening to her or to him and giving him or her what they want because this person knows how to ask for things.

Of all the communication styles, it is an absolute no brainer that the assertive communication style is the best of the communication styles. It allows you to express what you want with minimum arguments with others. If you are looking to polish up your assertiveness skills, you can use an assertive communication worksheet or cheat sheet to serve as a guide by prompting you with the appropriate statements to use along with the right body language to come across as more assertive and confident.

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